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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPMedia.setItemInfo (VB and C#) 

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IWMPMedia.setItemInfo (VB and C#)

The setItemInfo method sets the value of the specified attribute for the media item.

[Visual Basic]
Sub setItemInfo(
  bstrItemName As String,
  bstrVal As String

void setItemInfo (
  string bstrItemName,
  string bstrVal );



A System.String that is the attribute name**.**


A System.String that is the new value.

Return Value

This method does not return a value.


The attributeCount property gets the number of attributes available for a given media item. Index numbers can then be used with the getAttributeName method to determine the names of the built-in attributes that can be used with this method.

Before using this method, use the isReadOnlyItem method to discover whether a particular attribute can be set.

Before calling this method, you must have full access to the library. For more information, see Library Access.

Note   If you embed the Windows Media Player control in your application, file attributes that you change will not be written to the digital media file until the user runs Windows Media Player.

Example Code

The following example uses setItemInfo to change the value of the Genre attribute for the current media item. A text box allows the user to enter a string, which is then used to change the attribute information in response to the Click event of a button. The AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer object is represented by the variable named player.

[Visual Basic]
Public Sub setNewGenre_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles setNewGenre.Click

    ' Store a WMPLib.IWMPMedia3 interface to the current media item. 
    Dim cm As WMPLib.IWMPMedia3 = player.currentMedia

    ' Get the user input from the TextBox. 
    Dim atValue = genText.Text

    ' Test for read-only status of the attribute. 
    If (cm.isReadOnlyItem("Genre") = False) Then

        ' Change the attribute value. 
        cm.setItemInfo("Genre", atValue)

    End If

End Sub


private void setNewGenre_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // Store a WMPLib.IWMPMedia3 interface to the current media item. 
    WMPLib.IWMPMedia3 cm = (WMPLib.IWMPMedia3)player.currentMedia;

    // Get the user input from the TextBox. 
    string atValue = genText.Text;

    // Test for read-only status of the attribute. 
    if( cm.isReadOnlyItem("Genre") == false )
        // Change the attribute value. 
        cm.setItemInfo("Genre", atValue);


Version: Windows Media Player 9 Series or later

Namespace: WMPLib

Assembly: Interop.WMPLib.dll (automatically generated by Visual Studio)

See Also

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