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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPPlaylist Interface 

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IWMPPlaylist Interface

The IWMPPlaylist interface provides methods for manipulating lists of media items.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IWMPPlaylist interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
appendItem Adds a media item to the end of the playlist.
clear Reserved for future use.
get_attributeCount Retrieves the number of attributes associated with the playlist.
get_attributeName Retrieves the name of an attribute specified by an index.
get_count Retrieves the number of items in the playlist.
get_isIdentical Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified playlist is identical to the current playlist.
get_item Retrieves the media item at the specified index.
get_name Retrieves the name of the playlist.
getItemInfo Retrieves the value of a playlist attribute specified by name.
insertItem Adds a media item at the specified location in the playlist.
moveItem Changes the location of a media item in the playlist.
put_name Specifies the name of the playlist.
removeItem Removes the specified media item from the playlist.
setItemInfo Specifies the value of an attribute of the current playlist.

See Also

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