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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPPlugin Interface 

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IWMPPlugin Interface

The IWMPPlugin interface is implemented by the plug-in. It manages the connection to Windows Media Player.

Note The interface identifier GUID for this interface changed between the beta release and the final release.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMPPlugin interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
AdviseWMPServices Receives a pointer to a Windows Media Player interface that contains methods that provide stream state information.
GetCaps Sets a value that specifies whether the plug-in requires the input format and output format to be identical.
GetID Returns the Class ID of the plug-in.
Init Receives a playback context identifier.
Shutdown Executes when Windows Media Player shuts down the plug-in.
UnAdviseWMPServices Executes when Windows Media Player releases the pointer provided in AdviseWMPServices.

See Also

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