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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPPluginUI Interface 

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IWMPPluginUI Interface

The IWMPPluginUI interface manages the connection to Windows Media Player.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMPPluginUI interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
Create Called by Windows Media Player to instantiate the plug-in user interface.
Destroy Called by Windows Media Player to shut down the plug-in user interface.
DisplayPropertyPage Called by Windows Media Player to request that the plug-in display its property page.
GetProperty Called by Windows Media Player to retrieve name/value property pairs from the plug-in.
SetCore Called by Windows Media Player to provide plug-in access to the core Windows Media Player APIs.
SetProperty Called by Windows Media Player to set name/value property pairs for the plug-in.
TranslateAccelerator Called as part of the Windows Media Player message loop to allow the plug-in to intercept and respond to keyboard events.

Note Only the SetCore method is supported on Background UI plug-ins in Windows Media Player 10 Mobile.

See Also

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