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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPSyncDevice::deletePartnership 

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The deletePartnership method terminates the partnership between Windows Media Player and the device.




This method takes no parameters.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.
S_FALSE The method succeeded, but there was no partnership to delete. This occurs when the current status is wmpdsPartnershipDeclined or wmpdsNewDevice.
NS_E_PDA_INITIALIZINGDEVICES (0xC00D118D) Windows Media Player is currently busy initializing devices. Please try again later.
NS_E_PDA_MANUALDEVICE (0xC00D1183) The status for the current device is wmpdsManualDevice.
NS_E_PDA_PARTNERSHIPNOTEXIST (0xC00D1184) The method failed because the current status for the device is wmpdsPartnershipAnother. This method will only delete partnerships that exist for the current instance of Windows Media Player.


When the partnership is deleted, the device status is set to wmpdsPartnershipDeclined. If no partnership exists, this method simply returns S_OK.

Windows Media Player 10 Mobile: This method is not supported.


Version: Windows Media Player 10 or later.

Header: Include wmp.h.

Library: Use wmp.dll.

See Also

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