Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPUserEventSink Interface 

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IWMPUserEventSink Interface

The IWMPUserEventSink interface receives event notifications from a custom video presenter. An application that embeds the Windows Media Player control, and provides a custom video presenter, can implement the IWMPUserEventSink interface.

The Windows Media Player control retrieves a pointer to the application's IWMPUserEventSink interface by calling IServiceProvider::QueryService, passing __uuidof(IWMPUserEventSink) in the riid parameter. Therefore, an application that implements the IWMPUserEventSink interface must also implement the IServiceProvider interface.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMPUserEventSink interface exposes the following method.

Method Description
NotifyUserEvent Notifies an application of an event generated by a custom video presenter that the application provided to the Enhanced Video Renderer (EVR).

See Also

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