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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Object Model Reference for Visual Basic .NET and C# 

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Object Model Reference for Visual Basic .NET and C#

Note   Using the Windows Media Player ActiveX control with Visual Basic .NET and C# is supported only for Windows Media Player 9 Series SDK and later.

This reference section provides documentation for the AxWindowsMediaPlayer object and for interfaces to the Windows Media Player ActiveX control. This functionality is available when you are using the Windows Media Player ActiveX control through COM interoperability in a Visual Studio .NET 2002 or later solution.

For a demonstration of using the Windows Media Player control with the .NET Framework, see the Visual Basic and C# samples included with this SDK.

The following sections document the Visual Basic .NET and C# objects and interfaces provided by the COM interop assembly that Visual Studio creates.

Note   Functionality that requires remoting the Windows Media Player control is not supported for .NET programming.

Section Description
AxWindowsMediaPlayer Object (VB and C#) List the properties, methods and events available to .NET programmers for the root object of the Windows Media Player control.
Interfaces for Visual Basic .NET and C# Lists the interfaces available to .NET programmers who use the Windows Media Player ActiveX control.

See Also

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