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Windows Media Player 11 SDK PlayerApplication Object 

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PlayerApplication Object

The PlayerApplication object provides a way to coordinate switching between a remoted Windows Media Player control and the full mode of Windows Media Player. This object is used only with C++ programs that implement the IWMPRemoteMediaServices interface and embed the Player control in remote mode. Skin files used as custom interfaces for the remoted Windows Media Player control access this object in script code through the playerApplication global attribute.

The PlayerApplication object supports the following properties.

Property Description
hasDisplay Retrieves a value indicating whether video can display through the remoted Windows Media Player control.
playerDocked Retrieves a value indicating whether Windows Media Player is in a docked state.

The PlayerApplication object supports the following methods.

Method Description
switchToControl Switches a remoted Windows Media Player control to the docked state.
switchToPlayerApplication Switches a remoted Windows Media Player control to the full mode of the Player.

The PlayerApplication object is accessed through the following property.

Object Property
Player playerApplication

See Also

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