Windows Media Player 11 SDK PLAYER ElementÂ
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PLAYER Element
The PLAYER element lets you define event handlers and specify the URL property of the Player object at design time within a skin definition file. Within script code, the Player object is accessed through the player global attribute rather than through a name specified by an id attribute, which is not supported by the PLAYER element.
The PLAYER element supports the following attribute.
Attribute | Description |
URL | Specifies or retrieves the name of the file to play. |
The PLAYER element can implement event handlers for the following events fired from the Player object.
Event | Description |
AudioLanguageChange | Occurs when the current audio language changes. |
Buffering | Occurs when Windows Media Player begins or ends buffering. |
CdromMediaChange | Occurs when the CD media changes. |
CurrentItemChange | Occurs when the current item changes. |
CurrentMediaItemAvailable | Occurs when the current media item becomes available. |
CurrentPlaylistChange | Occurs when the current playlist changes. |
CurrentPlaylistItemAvailable | Occurs when the current playlist item becomes available. |
DomainChange | Occurs when the DVD domain changes. |
Error | Occurs when the Windows Media Player control has an error condition. |
MarkerHit | Occurs when Windows Media Player encounters a marker in the clip. |
MediaChange | Occurs when a media item changes. |
MediaCollectionAttributeStringAdded | Occurs when an attribute value is added to the library. |
MediaCollectionAttributeStringChanged | Occurs when an attribute value in the library is changed. |
MediaCollectionAttributeStringRemoved | Occurs when an attribute value is removed from the library. |
MediaCollectionChange | Occurs when the MediaCollection object changes. |
MediaError | Occurs when the Media object has an error condition. |
ModeChange | Occurs when switching between shuffle and normal mode. |
OpenPlaylistSwitch | Occurs when a title on a DVD begins playing. |
OpenStateChange | Occurs when player.openState changes. |
PlaylistChange | Occurs when a playlist changes. |
PlaylistCollectionChange | Occurs when something changes in the playlist collection. |
PlaylistCollectionPlaylistAdded | Occurs when a playlist is added to the playlist collection. |
PlaylistCollectionPlaylistRemoved | Occurs when a playlist is removed from the playlist collection. |
PlayStateChange | Occurs when player.playState changes. |
PositionChange | Occurs when player.controls.currentPosition changes. |
ScriptCommand | Occurs when Windows Media Player encounters a script command embedded in a file. |
StatusChange | Occurs when the status property changes value. |
See Also
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