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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Player Object Model for Scripting LanguagesĀ 

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Player Object Model for Scripting Languages

ActiveX uses the concept of objects to contain programming functionality. Windows Media Player uses several objects to divide up the functionality the control provides. The root object is the Player object, and the other objects are attached to the Player object through specific properties.

The following diagram shows how the Windows Media Player 11 ActiveX control object model works for scripting languages.

Diagram of Windows Media Player 11 Object Model

In C++, and sometimes in .NET languages, objects are represented by COM interfaces. In the Windows Media Player object model, COM interface names are the same as the object name, but are prefixed with "IWMP". For example, the Network object is exposed through the IWMPNetwork interface.

The following sections provide conceptual overviews for each object:

Additional functionality is available through certain COM interfaces. Whether you can access these interfaces may depend on the language you use for programming and other factors, such as the mode used to create the instance of the Windows Media Player control. For a complete list of COM interfaces exposed by the Windows Media Player control, see the Object Model Reference for C++.

See Also

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