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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Ripping by Using the IWMPCdromRip Interface 

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Ripping by Using the IWMPCdromRip Interface

This section describes how to use the IWMPCdromRip interface to rip music from a CD.

Ripping a CD by using the IWMPCdromRip interface has the same effect as ripping music by using the Windows Media Player user interface. Ripped content is automatically added to the library according to the user's preferences. For more information about CD ripping, see "Ripping music from CDs" in Windows Media Player Help.

The code examples in this section use Active Template Library (ATL) classes, such as CComPtr.

Included Headers

To use the code in this section, include the following headers:

#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#include <atlwin.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include "wmp.h"
#include "wmpids.h"

Interface Pointers

The interfaces for Windows Media Player are stored in the following member variables.

// Player interface.
CComPtr<IWMPPlayer>             m_spPlayer;

// CDROM interfaces.
CComPtr<IWMPCdromCollection>    m_spCdromCollection;
CComPtr<IWMPCdrom>              m_spCdrom;
CComPtr<IWMPCdromRip>           m_spCdromRip;
CComPtr<IWMPPlaylist>           m_spPlaylist;

The Following Sections Describe How to Use the IWMPCdromRip Interface

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