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Windows Media Player 11 SDK ServiceTask2 Element 

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ServiceTask2 Element

Note This section describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The ServiceTask2 element represents the second online store task pane.


    URL = "


URL (required)

URL for the Web page that Windows Media Player displays.

Parent/Child Elements

Hierarchy Element
Parent elements ServiceInfo
Child elements ButtonText, ButtonTip


ServiceTask1 is considered the primary task pane for engaging in commercial activity. It is the task pane that displays when the user chooses to purchase music. Use ServiceTask2 for other online store activity.

Note   Windows Media Player 10 has three task panes where an online store can display its Web pages. The online store can choose to use one, two, or all three of the task panes. Windows Media Player 11 has only one task pane, which the user can view by clicking on the Online Stores tab. Windows Media Player 11 ignores the ServiceTask2 and ServiceTask3 elements.

Online stores task panes share a single browser instance. This means that you should not write script code in your Web page that you expect to continue to run when the user switches away from the current service task.

When the user switches task panes, Windows Media Player stores the URL and session cookies. When the user switches back to the task pane, the Player restores the URL and cookies. If the user chooses to use a different online store, the URL and session data are cleared.

The following table details the parameters sent with the URL request. Others may be present for legacy compatibility purposes.

Name Value
geoid Windows geographical location ID. The location ID is specified by the user in the Location area of the Regional and Language Options settings in Control Panel.
locale Windows Media Player locale ID.
userlocale Windows locale ID. The locale is specified by the user in the Standards and Formats area of the Regional and Language Options settings in Control Panel.
version Windows Media Player version number using the following format: 10.0.x.xxxx or 11.0.x.xxxx.


Version: Windows Media Player 10 or later.

See Also

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