Windows Media Player 11 SDK Sorting Playlists by Synchronization Priority
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Sorting Playlists by Synchronization Priority
The following code performs a simple sort of playlists. You can see how this function is used in the example code in Enumerating Synchronization Playlists. The function takes the following parameters:
- pPlaylist. The pointer to the Windows Media Player playlist to sort. The media items in the playlist must point to other playlists, not individual digital media files.
- bstrSyncAttribute. A BSTR containing the name of the synchronization partnership attribute for the current device ("Sync01", "Sync02", and so on).
- plSelected. Pointer to a long variable that receives the count of synchronization playlists.
The function inspects the synchronization partnership attribute for each media item (representing a playlist) in the playlist specified by pPlaylist. If the attribute has a non-zero value, the code moves the media item to the beginning of the playlist and inserts it in priority order.
When finished, the function returns the count of media items (synchronization playlists) that had a non-zero value for the synchronization partnership attribute.
STDMETHODIMP CSyncSettings::SortPlaylist(IWMPPlaylist *pPlaylist, BSTR bstrSyncAttribute, long *plSelected) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; long lSyncItemCount = 0; ATLASSERT (pPlaylist); ATLASSERT (plSelected); // Local copies of the parameters. CComPtr<IWMPPlaylist> spPlaylist(pPlaylist); CComBSTR bstrAttribute(bstrSyncAttribute); ATLASSERT (bstrAttribute.Length()); // Get the count of playlist media items. long lCount = 0; spPlaylist->get_count(&lCount); // Walk the playlist. for(long i = 0; i < lCount; i++) { CComPtr<IWMPMedia> spMedia; CComBSTR bstrVal; long lPriority = 0; hr = spPlaylist->get_item(i, &spMedia); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && spMedia) { // Get the sync priority value as a string. hr = spMedia->getItemInfo(bstrAttribute, &bstrVal); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && spMedia) { // Convert sync priority to a long number. lPriority = _wtol(bstrVal); } // Sort the playlist. // Only move the current item if it has a // sync priority value. if(lPriority > 0) { lSyncItemCount++; // Walk down the list and insert the item // in ascending order. for(long j = 0; j < lCount; j++) { CComPtr<IWMPMedia> spMediaCompare; CComBSTR bstrValCompare; long lPriorityTest = 0; hr = spPlaylist->get_item(j, &spMediaCompare); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && spMediaCompare.p) { hr = spMediaCompare->getItemInfo(bstrAttribute, &bstrValCompare); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && spMediaCompare.p) { lPriorityTest = _wtol(bstrValCompare); if(lPriority <= lPriorityTest || 0 == lPriorityTest) { hr = spPlaylist->moveItem(i, j); break; } } } // for j } // if(lPriority > 0) } // for i // Return the sync item count. *plSelected = lSyncItemCount; return hr; }
See Also
- IWMPMedia::getItemInfo
- IWMPPlaylist::get_item
- IWMPPlaylist::moveItem
- Managing Synchronization Playlists
- Sync Attributes
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