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Windows Media Player 11 SDK VIDEO.cursorĀ 

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The cursor attribute specifies or retrieves the cursor value that is used when the mouse is over a clickable area of the video.



Possible Values

This attribute is a read/write String.

Value Description
system Platform-dependent cursor (usually an arrow).
hand Hand.
help Arrow with question mark indicating Help is available.
sizeall Four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east, and west.
sizenesw Double-pointed arrow pointing northeast and southwest.
sizens Double-pointed arrow pointing north and south.
sizenwse Double-pointed arrow pointing northwest and southeast.
sizewe Double-pointed arrow pointing west and east.
uparrow Vertical arrow pointing upward.
*.ani or *.cur Any .ani or .cur file (must be in the same directory as the .wms file or in the .wmz file).


For rendering purposes, system is the default cursor. The default value retrieved from this attribute is "" (empty string).


Windows Media Player version 7.0 or later.

See Also

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