Windows Media Player 11 SDK Writing Event CodeĀ
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Writing Event Code
Events are treated similarly to attributes. You must give the event a value, and the value is the code you want to run when the event happens. The word "on" is added to the front of the event name; for example, the click event will become onclick.
The event value is in double quotes and starts with the word JScript followed by a colon. The code you want to run comes next, followed by a semicolon and the closing double quotes. For example, to stop playing when the user clicks on a button, type the following as an attribute in your BUTTON element code:
onclick = "JScript: player.Controls.Stop() ; "
If you have a code that requires quotes, use single quotes. Care must be taken when using quotation marks so that they are balanced properly. Here is an example of using both types:
onclick = "JScript: player.URL = '' ; "
You can also change attributes of your skin when handling an external event. For example, to close a view named myView, you could type:
onclick = "JScript: myView.close() ;"
See Also
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