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The Install_Init function is called before installation begins. This function can be used for custom operations such as checking an application version for application re-installation or determining whether a dependent application is present.


codeINSTALL_INIT Install_Init(
  HWND hwndParent,
  BOOL fFirstCall, 
  BOOL fPreviouslyInstalled,
  LPCTSTR pszInstallDir


  • hwndParent
    [in] Specifies a handle to the parent window.
  • fFirstCall
    [in] Specifies a Boolean value that is set to TRUE to indicate that this is the first time this function is being called.
  • fPreviouslyInstalled
    [in] Specifies a Boolean value that is set to TRUE to indicate that the current application is already installed.
  • pszInstallDir
    [in] Reference to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the application installation directory that is selected by the user.

Return Values

    Continue installation.
    Cancel installation.


This function may be called multiple times, each time with a different string for pszInstallDir. For example, when the current directory does not have enough room, you should call this function for the first time. .

Windows CE Wceload.exe calls this function, which is part of the application setup and uninstall program, Setup.dll.


Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later

OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: ce_setup.h
Library: None

See Also


File and Application Management API Functions


Last updated on Friday, April 22, 2005

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