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The ConnMgrEstablishConnectionSync function creates a connection request but returns information only after the connection has been established or has failed.


HRESULT WINAPI ConnMgrEstablishConnectionSync(
  HANDLE * phConnection,
  DWORD dwTimeout,
  DWORD * pdwStatus 


  • pConnInfo
    Pointer to the CONNMGR_CONNECTIONINFO structure, which contains the parameters that describe the requested connection.
  • phConnection
    Pointer to the returned connection handle.
  • dwTimeout
    The time-out value in milliseconds.
  • pdwStatus
    Pointer to the final status value of the connection. The following table lists the possible values of this parameter.
    Value Description
    CONNMGR_STATUS_UNKNOWN The status is unknown.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_CONNECTED The connection is up.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_DISCONNECTED The connection has been disconnected.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_WAITINGFORPATH A path to the destination exists but is not presently available (for example, the device is out of radio range or is not plugged into its cradle).
    CONNMGR_STATUS_WAITINGFORRESOURCE Another client is using resources that this connection requires.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_WAITINGFORPHONE An in-progress voice call is using resources that this connection requires.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_WAITINGFORNETWORK The device is waiting for a task with a higher priority to connect to the network before connecting to the same network. This status value is returned only to clients that specify a priority of CONNMGR_PRIORITY_LOWBKGND when requesting a connection.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_NOPATHTODESTINATION No path to the destination could be found.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_CONNECTIONFAILED The connection failed and cannot be reestablished.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_CONNECTIONCANCELED The user aborted the connection.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_CONNECTIONDISABLED The connection can be made, although the connection is disabled. This value is returned only to clients that set the bDisabled value in the CONNMGR_CONNECTIONINFO structure.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_WAITINGCONNECTION The device is attempting to connect.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_WAITINGCONNECTIONABORT The device is aborting the connection attempt.
    CONNMGR_STATUS_WAITINGDISCONNECTION The connection is being brought down.

Return Values

None of the following values are returned until the connection either has been established or has failed.

  • S_OK
    The connection was successfully requested.
  • Error code
    The connection could not be requested.


This function uses ConnMgrEstablishConnection and ConnMgrConnectionStatus internally to attempt to fully establish a connection before returning to the caller. The ConnMgrEstablishConnectionSync function does not provide an internal message pump; therefore, the message queues of any user interface threads that call into this function are blocked until the function returns.


Smartphone: Windows Mobile 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: connmgr.h
Library: cellcore.lib

See Also

Connection Manager

Connection Manager API Functions




Last updated on Friday, April 22, 2005

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