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WBXML and Windows Mobile-Based Devices

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) Microsoft® Windows® Mobile-based Smartphone and Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC, Phone Edition, support Wireless Application Protocol Binary Extensible Markup Language (WBXML) compression for over-the-air push provisioning messages. WBXML is the result of an XML text file that has been condensed and converted to a tokenized format. This format protects the element structure and encodes the parsed physical form of an XML file, while removing any metadata associated with it.

GSM Smartphone and Pocket PC Phone Edition take advantage of WBXML to reduce transmission costs. In addition, by reducing the size of transmitted data, the reliability for successfully receiving messages increases. Smartphone and Pocket PC provide specific tokens, in the form of hexadecimal numbers, for element names, attribute names, and values. Token tables used on Smartphone and Pocket PC Phone Edition were extended to include continuous configuration XML data.

The token tables defined in Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Provisioning Content Type Specification, WAP-183-PROVCONT, Version 24-July-2001, were used as a guideline. This specification is located at

This section defines the token tables for custom parms and continuous provisioning that are specific to Smartphone and Pocket PC Phone Edition. These tokens are in addition to those already defined in section 8 of the WAP Provisioning Content Specification, WAP-183-PROVCONT Version 24-July-2001, which are not repeated here.

See Also

Provisioning for Windows Mobile Devices

Last updated on Friday, April 22, 2005

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