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MAPI Functions

This section provides detailed information about the Windows Mobile-based Messaging API (MAPI) functions described in the following table.

Function Description
FormFactory Returns a reference to the IFormProvider interface, allowing Messaging to create the plug-in's custom read and compose forms. For Windows Mobile 2002 only.
FormFactoryEx Returns a reference to the IFormProviderEx interface, allowing Messaging to create the plug-in's custom read and compose forms. For Windows Mobile 2003 and later.
FreeProws Destroys an SRowSet structure and frees associated memory, including memory allocated for all member arrays and structures.
MAPIAllocateBuffer Allocates a memory buffer.
MAPIAllocateMore Allocates a memory buffer that is linked to another buffer previously allocated with the MAPIAllocateBuffer function.
MAPIFreeBuffer Frees a memory buffer allocated with a call to the MAPIAllocateBuffer function or the MAPIAllocateMore function.
MAPIInitialize Increments the MAPI subsystem reference count and initializes global data for the MAPI DLL.
MAPILogonEx Logs a client application on to a session with the messaging system.
MAPIUninitialize Decrements the reference count, cleans up, and deletes per-instance global data for the MAPI DLL.
OneStopFactory Called by Messaging to create an instance of a custom transport and get the IMailSyncHandler interface for the transport.

See Also

MAPI Data Types

MAPI Enumerations

MAPI Interfaces

MAPI Macros

MAPI Properties

MAPI Structures


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