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Creating Setup .cab Files with CabWiz (PPC Only)

CabWiz, included in the \Tools directory of the Pocket PC Software Development Kit (SDK), uses the parameters you define in a file with the .inf extension (for example, MyGame.inf) to create setup files for Pocket PC and other Windows mobile based devices. The resulting .cab files can be manually copied to the device or emulator and executed through File Manager by tapping the file name icons with the stylus. Alternatively, the ActiveSync Application Manager can copy the files to the device.

The .cab file you create can copy files, apply registry settings, or even run custom code during install and uninstall operations by including a SETUP.DLL file with your setup. A single .inf file can contain information to produce multiple .cab files. For example, you could instruct CabWiz to produce .cab files for Pocket PC devices and the Pocket PC emulator through a single .inf file.

For a demonstration of how to create an .inf file, see the Win32 AppInst sample in the SDK.

See Also

Application Packaging (PPC Only) | .cab Files | CABWiz (PPC Only) | .inf Files

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