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Appendix A: Registry Entries

Connection-specific information can be obtained from the values documented in this appendix.

Note   These registry values can be found at the following registry key after installation of Microsoft SQL Server.


Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib

Data type Range Default value
REG_DWORD 0 | 1 1


Encryption flag for enabling or disabling encryptions over connections.

Values Meaning
0 Do not encrypt data sent using the connection.
1 Encrypt data sent using the connection.

LastConnect Key

Path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\LastConnect

New values added to this key must be of this type:

Data type Range Default value
REG_SZ Text, connection string information (Value not set)

Description of values found in this key

This registry key will contain a list of connection string values for all connections that have been successfully connected to previously.

Example values found in this key

Name Data Meaning
(local) 2113994760:lpc:MySqlServer A connection string for connecting through Local Procedure Call (LPC) to the local instance of Microsoft SQL Server running on the same computer as the client.
Dbserver1 369229832:tcp:dbserver1,1433 A connection string for connecting to a remote instance of Microsoft SQL Server running on a different computer on a TCP/IP-based network. The server is named "dbserver1" and the TCP/IP Net-Library API uses TCP port 1433 to connect to it.


Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib

Data type Range Default value
REG_MULTI_SZ Protocol prefixes supported include the following:
  • np (Named-pipes)
  • tcp (TCP/IP)
  • spx (IPX/SPX)
  • adsp (AppleTalk)
  • rpc (MultiProtocol through RPC)
  • vines (Banyan VINES)
"tcp np"


This registry value will contain a string that lists the order of preference for network protocols that the Net-Library API will attempt to use when connecting on values for all connections that have been successfully connected to previously using LastConnect.

The default value is to first try and use TCP/IP as the network protocol for a connection, and if that does not succeed, then try to use Named-pipes instead.

DefaultPipe (Named-Pipes only)

Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Np

Data type Range Default value
REG_SZ Text "sql\query"


This registry value will contain the name of the default Named-pipe to use when using the Net-Library API to connect over Named-pipes. By default, it is set to "sql\query", which is the default setting when connecting to computers running Microsoft SQL Server over Named-pipes.

DefaultPort (TCP/IP only)

Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp

Data type Range Default value
REG_DWORD Any valid TCP/IP port number that is open and being listened to by the server you are attempting to connect with. 1433


This registry value will contain the default port number for a TCP/IP port to be used when using the Net-Library API to connect over TCP/IP. By default, it is set to port 1433, which is the default port when connecting to computers running Microsoft SQL Server over TCP/IP.

DefaultNetwork (IPX/SPX only)

Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Spx

Data type Range Default value
REG_DWORD Any valid IPX/SPX network number. 0


This registry value will contain the IPX network number for a network to be used as the default for the Net-Library API when connecting over IPX/SPX. By default, it is set to zero (0).

DefaultPort (IPX/SPX only)

Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Spx

Data type Range Default value
REG_DWORD Any valid IPX/SPX network port number. 33854 (0x843E)


This registry value will contain the IPX network port number for use as the default port to connect on when using the Net-Library API and connecting over IPX/SPX. By default, it is set to a decimal value of 33854 (843E in hexadecimal).

DefaultZone (AppleTalk only)

Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Adsp

Data type Range Default value
REG_SZ The name of a valid AppleTalk zone. (Value not set)


This registry value will contain the name of a valid AppleTalk zone for use as the default when using the Net-Library API to connect over AppleTalk. Normally, it can be left blank, which will utilize the default AppleTalk zone.

DefaultZone (AppleTalk only)

Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Adsp

Data type Range Default value
REG_SZ The name of a valid AppleTalk zone. (Value not set)


This registry value will contain the name of a valid AppleTalk zone for use as the default when using the Net-Library API to connect over AppleTalk. Normally, it can be left blank, which will utilize the default AppleTalk zone.

RPCProtocols (Multiprotocol using RPC only)

Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Rpc

Data type Range Default value
REG_MULTI_SZ The list of protocol preference for multi-protocol use over RPC. "nlrpc nacn_np nacn_ip_tcp nacn_spx"


This registry value will contain the list of protocols that will define the order of preference for multi-protocol use when the Net-Library API is used to attempt to connect to a targeted server. By default, the order of preference is to try and use either a local or remote procedure call first, and as necessary try connecting using any of the following protocols: Named-Pipes, TCP/IP and IPX/SPX.

LastConnect (Multiprotocol using RPC only)

Key path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Rpc\LastConnect

New values added to this key must be of this type:

Data type Range Default value
REG_SZ Text, connection string information (Value not set)

Description of values found in this key

This is a list of target servers, which were previously and successfully, connected to over the protocol value. For example, if target server SQL1 were previously connected to using protocol Named–Pipes ("ncacn_np), then a value for this would be present.

Example values found in this key

Name Data Meaning
SQL1 ncacn_np A previous connection was successfully made to a server named "SQL1" using Named-pipes.
dbserver1 nacn_ip_tcp A previous connection was successfully made to a server named "dbserver1" using TCP/IP.

DefaultGroup (Banyan VINES only)

Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Vines

Data type Range Default value
REG_SZ Any valid group name used on the Banyan VINES network. "MSSQL"


This registry value will contain a group name as the default for the Net-Library API to use when connecting over Banyan VINES. By default, it is set to "MSSQL" as this is the group that is typically used by Microsoft SQL Server.

DefaultOrg (Banyan VINES only)

Value path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Vines

Data type Range Default value
REG_SZ Any valid organization name used on the Banyan VINES network. (Value not set)


This registry value will contain the default organization name for the Net-Library API to use when connecting over Banyan VINES. Normally, it is left blank, which will utilize the default organization.