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Windows Media Player 11 SDK AxWindowsMediaPlayer.Warning Event (VB and C#) 

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AxWindowsMediaPlayer.Warning Event (VB and C#)

The Warning event is reserved for future use.

[Visual Basic]
Private Sub player_Warning(
  sender As Object,
  e As _WMPOCXEvents_WarningEvent
) Handles player.Warning


Event Data

The handler associated with this event is of type AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_WarningEventHandler. This handler receives an argument of type AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_WarningEvent, which contains the following properties related to this event.

Property Description
warningType System.Int32

Not supported.

param System.Int32

Not supported.

description System.String

Not supported.


This event is reserved for future use.


Version: Windows Media Player 9 Series or later

Namespace: AxWMPLib

Assembly: AxInterop.WMPLib.dll (automatically generated by Visual Studio)

See Also

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