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Windows Media Player 11 SDK BITSĀ 

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The Background Intelligent Transfer Service is a feature of the Windows XP operating system. BITS transfers files (downloads or uploads) between a client and server, and provides progress information related to the transfers. If you want to transfer files using C++ code, BITS is the correct technology to use. If you want to transfer files using JScript code in your online store Web page, use the Download Manager instead.

Because the Windows Media Player Download Manager uses BITS, you can take steps to configure your BITS copy jobs in such a way that Windows Media Player manages the jobs for you. To do this, you must follow the convention described in the Windows Media Player BITS Job Convention section when adding your jobs to the BITS transfer queue. This section also describes a mechanism for retrieving information about your BITS jobs from your online stores Web page.

For more information about BITS, see the MSDN Web site.

See Also

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