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Windows Media Player 11 SDK BUTTONGROUP.hoverDownImage 

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The hoverDownImage attribute specifies or retrieves the name of the image representing the hover-down state of a button in the BUTTONGROUP. The hover-down state occurs when the button is in the down state and the user hovers over it with the mouse.



Possible Values

This attribute is a read/write String.


The supported image formats are BMP, JPG, PNG, and GIF. If the image is an 8-bit BMP file, its hue and saturation values can be changed dynamically using the hueShift and saturation attributes.

The default image is the one specified in the downImage attribute, or its default.

If the hover-down image is larger than the defined region, the hover-down image will be cropped.

If the image cannot be retrieved, a default image (the red-x image) is displayed.


Windows Media Player version 7.0 or later.

See Also

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