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Windows Media Player 11 SDK BUTTONGROUP.mappingImageĀ 

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The mappingImage attribute specifies or retrieves the name of the image representing the button map of the BUTTONGROUP.



Possible Values

This attribute is a read/write String.


This is a mandatory attribute that must be specified. 

The mapping image should be the same dimensions as the main image. It is a map of the clickable areas of the main image. Construct the map by filling each clickable area with a different color.

When defining each BUTTONELEMENT, designate its color from the map using the mappingColor attribute. For example, if you have a stop-sign-shaped button graphic in the main image, you can create a map with the area of the sign colored red. The BUTTONELEMENT attribute must then be specified as red to make the stop-sign image clickable.

The supported image formats are BMP, JPG, PNG, and GIF (not including animated GIFs). Because JPGs are lossy and therefore subject to unexpected color change, they are not recommended for mapping images.


The following is an example of a mappingImage and the visible image it corresponds to. These images are part of the skin in the Tiny folder included with the SDK.

sample mapping image sample background image

See the BUTTONELEMENT**.mappingColor** attribute for a code sample illustrating the use of this attribute.


Windows Media Player version 7.0 or later.

See Also

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