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ISCPSecureExchange::TransferComplete (deprecated)

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This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.

This topic documents a feature of the Windows Media Device Manager SDK. We recommend that you migrate your application to use the Windows Portable Devices API. For more information, see the Windows Portable Devices SDK.

The TransferComplete method is called by Windows Media Device Manager to signal the end of a secure transfer of data. In this method, the secure content provider can perform any additional processing required to enable the content on the target device.


HRESULT TransferComplete();


This method takes no parameters.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return code Description
WMDM_E_NOT_CERTIFIED The caller is not authorized to use this interface.
WMDM_E_NORIGHTS The caller does not have the rights required to perform the requested operation.
WMDM_E_MAC_CHECK_FAILED The message authentication code is not valid.
E_FAIL An unspecified error occurred.


Header: Defined in WMSCP.idl.

Library: mssachlp.lib

See Also