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IWMDMMetaData Interface (deprecated)

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This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.

This topic documents a feature of the Windows Media Device Manager SDK. We recommend that you migrate your application to use the Windows Portable Devices API. For more information, see the Windows Portable Devices SDK.

The IWMDMMetaData interface sets and retrieves metadata properties (such as artist, album, genre, and so on) of a storage. Metadata properties are stored as name-value pairs.

To create a new, empty instance of this interface, call IWMDMStorage3::CreateEmptyMetadataObject. To retrieve this interface (with values), call IWMDMStorage3::GetMetadata or IWMDMStorage4::GetSpecifiedMetadata.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMDMMetaData interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
AddItem Adds a metadata property to the interface.
GetItemCount Retrieves the total number of properties held by the interface.
QueryByIndex Retrieves the value of a property specified by index.
QueryByName Retrieves the value of a property specified by name.

See Also