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WMDMRIGHTS (deprecated)

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This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.

This topic documents a feature of the Windows Media Device Manager SDK. We recommend that you migrate your application to use the Windows Portable Devices API. For more information, see the Windows Portable Devices SDK.

The WMDMRIGHTS structure describes content-use rights.


typedef struct __WMDMRIGHTS{
  UINT  cbSize;
  DWORD  dwContentType;
  DWORD  fuFlags;
  DWORD  fuRights;
  DWORD  dwAppSec;
  DWORD  dwPlaybackCount;
  WMDMDATETIME  ExpirationDate;



Size of the structure, in bytes.


DWORD containing the type of content.


Bit field specifying the rights options in use for the content.

Value Description
WMDM_RIGHTS_PLAYBACKCOUNT Number of times that the file can be played.
WMDM_RIGHTS_EXPIRATIONDATE Expiration date of the file.
WMDM_RIGHTS_FREESERIALIDS Free serial identifier of the file.
WMDM_RIGHTS_GROUPID Group identifier of the file.
WMDM_RIGHTS_NAMEDSERIALIDS Named serial identifier of the file.


Bit field containing the rights bits for the content.

Value Description
WMDM_RIGHTS_PLAY_ON_PC Content can be played on a personal computer.
WMDM_RIGHTS_COPY_TO_NON_SDMI_DEVICE Content can be copied to a non-SDMI device.
WMDM_RIGHTS_COPY_TO_CD Content can be copied to a CD.
WMDM_RIGHTS_COPY_TO_SDMI_DEVICE Content can be copied to an SDMI device.


Byte array that specifies the minimum level of application security.


DWORD containing the number of remaining times that the content can be rendered.


WMDMDATETIME structure containing the expiration date and time for the content. If the license has no expiration date, the wYear member is set to 0xFFFF, and all other members of WMDMDATETIME are ignored.


Header: Defined in wmdm.idl.

Library: mssachlp.lib

See Also