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cdf_Contact Table

Data in the cdf_Contact table must meet the migration criteria specified in Data Requirements for Migration. The following table shows all of the attributes in Microsoft CRM that can be migrated from the cdf_Contact table and the respective attribute names and types in the CDF database. The table also shows whether the attribute is required and whether it is used to create a relationship with other entities. For drop-down lists and Boolean attributes, the table shows the valid values and the default value in Microsoft CRM. The last rows of the table list the Microsoft CRM Contact attributes that cannot be migrated using the Microsoft CRM Data Migration Framework.

Microsoft CRM tab name and attribute label

CDF attribute name

CDF type
Required or Relationship in CDF
Microsoft CRM values
Default Microsoft CRM value
Not on tab ContactId int (PK) Required    
  StateCode* int (state)   0 (Active)

1 (Inactive)

  StatusCode* int (status)   1 (Active) For StateCode 0, 1
        2 (Inactive) For StateCode 1, 2
  ParentContactId   Relationship    
  ParentContactIdName** nvarchar (160)      
General tab          
Salutation Salutation nvarchar (100)      
First Name FirstName nvarchar (50)      
Middle Name MiddleName nvarchar (50)      
Last Name LastName nvarchar (50)      
Job Title JobTitle nvarchar (100)      
Parent Account AccountId int Relationship    
  AccountIdName** nvarchar (160)      
Business Phone Telephone1 nvarchar (50)      
Home Phone Telephone2 nvarchar (50)      
Mobile Phone MobilePhone nvarchar (50)      
Fax Fax nvarchar (50)      
Pager Pager nvarchar (50)      
E-mail EmailAddress1 nvarchar (100)      
Address Name Address1_Name nvarchar (200)      
Street 1 Address1_Line1 nvarchar (50)      
Street 2 Address1_Line2 nvarchar (50)      
Street 3 Address1_Line3 nvarchar (50)      
City Address1_City nvarchar (50)      
State/Province Address1_StateOrProvince nvarchar (50)      
ZIP/PostalCode Address1_PostalCode nvarchar (20)      
Country/Region Address1_Country nvarchar (50)      
Phone Address1_Telephone nvarchar (50)      
Address Type Address1_AddressTypeCode int (picklist)      
  Address1_AddressTypeCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)      
Shipping Method Address1_ShippingMethodCode int (picklist)      
  Address1_ShippingMethodCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)      
Freight Terms Address1_FreightTermsCode int (picklist)      
  Address1_FreightTermsCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)      
Details tab          
Department Department nvarchar (100)      
Role AccountRoleCode int (picklist)      
  AccountRoleCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Decision Maker



Manager ManagerName nvarchar (100)      
Manager Phone ManagerPhone nvarchar (50)      
Assistant AssistantName nvarchar (100)      
Assistant Phone AssistantPhone nvarchar (50)      
Gender GenderCode int (picklist)      
  GenderCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Blank



Marital Status FamilyStatusCode int (picklist)     Null
  FamilyStatusCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Single




Spouse Name SpousesName nvarchar (100)      
Birthday Birthdate*** datetime      
Anniversary Anniversary*** datetime      
Description Description ntext      
Administration tab          
Owner OwningUser int Required, Relationship    
  OwningUserName** nvarchar (255)      
Originating Lead OriginatingLeadId int Relationship    
  OriginatingLeadIdName** nvarchar (160)      
Credit Limit ($) CreditLimit money      
Credit Hold CreditOnHold bit   0 (No)

1 (Yes)

Payment Terms PaymentTermsCode int (picklist)      
  PaymentTermsCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Net 30

2%10, Net 30

Net 45

Net 60

Price List DefaultPriceLevelId int Relationship    
  DefaultPriceLevelIdName** nvarchar (100)      
Preferred PreferredContactMethodCode int (picklist)      
  PreferredContactMethodCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Any





E-mail DoNotEmail bit   0 (Allow)

1 (Do Not Allow)

Phone DoNotPhone bit   0 (Allow)

1 (Do Not Allow)

Fax DoNotFax bit   0 (Allow)

1 (Do Not Allow)

Mail DoNotPostalMail bit   0 (Allow)

1 (Do Not Allow)

Not on tab by default Address1_Fax nvarchar (20)      
  Address1_Latitude float      
  Address1_Longitude float      
  Address1_PostOfficebox nvarchar (20)      
  Address1_PrimaryContactName nvarchar (150)      
  Address1_Telephone2 nvarchar (50)      
  Address1_Telephone3 nvarchar (50)      
  Address1_UPSZone nvarchar (4)      
  Address2_AddressTypeCode int (picklist)      
  Address2_AddressTypeCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  Address2_City nvarchar (50)      
  Address2_Country nvarchar (50)      
  Address2_County nvarchar (50)      
  Address2_Fax nvarchar (20)      
  Address2_FreightTermsCode int (picklist)      
  Address2_FreightTermsCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  Address2_Latitude float      
  Address2_Line1 nvarchar (50)      
  Address2_Line2 nvarchar (50)      
  Address2_Line3 nvarchar (50)      
  Address2_Longitude float      
  Address2_Name nvarchar (200)      
  Address2_PostalCode nvarchar (20)      
  Address2_PostOfficeBox nvarchar (20)      
  Address2_PrimaryContactName nvarchar (150)      
  Address2_ShippingMethodCode int (picklist)      
  Address2_ShippingMethodCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  Address2_StateOrProvince nvarchar (50)      
  Address2_Telephone1 nvarchar (50)      
  Address2_Telephone2 nvarchar (50)      
  Address2_Telephone3 nvarchar (50)      
  Address2_UPSZone nvarchar (4)      
  Address1_UTCOffset int      
  Address2_UTCOffset int      
  AnnualIncome money      
  ChildrensNames nvarchar (255)      
  CustomerSizeCode int (picklist)      
  CustomerSizeCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  CustomerTypeCode int (picklist)      
  CustomerTypeCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  DoNotBulkEmail bit   0 (False)

1 (True)

  DoNotBulkPostalMail bit   0 (False)

1 (True)

  EducationCode int (picklist)      
  EducationCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  EmailAddress2 nvarchar (100)      
  EmailAddress3 nvarchar (100)      
  EmployeeId nvarchar (50)      
  FtpSiteUrl nvarchar (200)      
  FullName nvarchar (160)      
  GovernmentId nvarchar (50)      
  HasChildrenCode int (picklist)      
  HasChildrenCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  IsBackOfficeCustomer bit   0 (False)

1 (True)

  LeadSourceCode int (picklist)      
  LeadSourceCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  NumberOfChildren int      
  ShippingMethodCode int (picklist)      
  ShippingMethodCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  Status Reason int (status)      
  Suffix nvarchar (10)      
  Telephone3 nvarchar (50)      
  TerritoryCode int (picklist)      
  TerritoryCodeName** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  WebSiteUrl nvarchar (200)      
  YomiFirstName nvarchar (150)      
  YomiFullName nvarchar (450)      
  YomiLastName nvarchar (150)      
  YomiMiddleName nvarchar (150)      

Table Footnotes

*See StateCode and StatusCode Values.

**The field is used only in the CDF database; it is not migrated.

***Values for all attributes of the type datetime must be in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format CCYY-MM-DD, where CC is the century (00-99), YY is the year (00-99), MM is the month (01-12), and DD is the day of month (01-31). An example is 2003-09-05. If a time is included, it is migrated as the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time.

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