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cdf_Invoice Table

Data in the cdf_Invoice table must meet the migration criteria specified in data requirements for migration. The following table shows all of the attributes in Microsoft CRM that can be migrated from the cdf_Invoice table and the respective attribute names and types in the CDF database. The table also shows whether the attribute is required and whether it is used to create a relationship with other entities. For drop-down lists and Boolean attributes, the table shows the valid values and the default value in Microsoft CRM. The last rows of the table list the Microsoft CRM Invoice attributes that cannot be migrated using the Microsoft CRM Data Migration Framework.

Microsoft CRM tab name and attribute label

CDF attribute name

CDF type
Required or Relationship in CDF
Microsoft CRM values
Default Microsoft CRM value
Not on tab InvoiceId int (PK) Required    
  StateCode* int (state)   0 (Active)

1 (Closed)

General tab          
Invoice ID InvoiceNumber nvarchar (100) Required    
Name Name nvarchar (300)      
Customer Customer customer      
  ContactId int Required**, Relationship    
  ContactIdName nvarchar (160)      
  AccountId int Required**, Relationship    
  AccountIdName nvarchar (160)      
Price List PriceLevelId int Relationship    
  PriceLevelIdName*** nvarchar (100)      
Detail Amount ($) TotalLineItemAmount**** money      
Invoice Discount (%) DiscountPercentage decimal 9(10,5)      
Invoice Discount ($) DiscountAmount money      
Pre-Freight Amount ($) TotalAmountLessFreight**** money      
Freight Amount ($) FreightAmount money      
Total Tax ($) TotalTax**** money      
Total Amount ($) TotalAmount**** money      
Shipping tab          
Shipping Method ShippingMethodCode int (picklist)      
  ShippingMethodCodeName*** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Airborne




Postal Mail

Full Load

Will Call

Payment Terms PaymentTermsCode int (picklist)     Null
  PaymentTermsCodeName*** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Net 30

2% 10, Net 30

Net 45

Net 60

Description Description ntext      
Addresses tab          
Bill To Name BillTo_Name nvarchar (200)      
Bill To Street 1 BillTo_Line1 nvarchar (50)      
Bill To Street 2 BillTo_Line2 nvarchar (50)      
Bill To Street 3 BillTo_Line3 nvarchar (50)      
Bill To City BillTo_City nvarchar (50)      
Bill To State/Province BillTo_StateOrProvince nvarchar (50)      
Bill To ZIP/Postal Code BillTo_PostalCode nvarchar (20)      
Bill To Country/Region BillTo_Country nvarchar (50)      
Bill To Phone BillTo_Telephone nvarchar (50)      
Bill To Fax BillTo_Fax nvarchar (20)      
Ship To WillCall bit   0 (Address)

1 (Will Call)

Ship To Name ShipTo_Name nvarchar (200)      
Ship To Street 1 ShipTo_Line1 nvarchar (50)      
Ship To Street 2 ShipTo_Line2 nvarchar (50)      
Ship To Street 3 ShipTo_Line3 nvarchar (50)      
Ship To City ShipTo_City nvarchar (50)      
Ship To State/Province ShipTo_StateOrProvince nvarchar (50)      
Ship To ZIP/Postal Code ShipTo_PostalCode nvarchar (20)      
Ship To Country/Region ShipTo_Country nvarchar (50)      
Ship To Phone ShipTo_Telephone nvarchar (50)      
Ship To Fax ShipTo_Fax nvarchar (20)      
Administration tab          
Owner OwningUser int Required, Relationship    
  OwningUserName*** nvarchar (255)      
Status Reason StatusCode* int (status)   1 (New)

2 (Partially Shipped)

4 (Billed)

5 (Booked (applies to services)

6 (Installed (applies to services)

For StateCode 0, 1
        3 (Canceled)

7 (Paid in Full)

For StateCode 1, 3
Opportunity OpportunityId int Relationship    
  OpportunityIdName*** nvarchar (300)      
Order SalesOrderId int Relationship    
  SalesOrderIdName*** nvarchar (300)      
Not on tab by default LastBackofficeSubmit***** datetime      
  PricingErrorCode int (picklist)      
  PricingErrorCodeName*** nvarchar (200) (picklist)      
  PriorityCode int (picklist)      
  PriorityCodeName*** nvarchar (200) (picklist)      
  ShipTo_FreightTermsCode int (picklist)      
  ShipTo_FreightTermsCodeName*** nvarchar (200) (picklist)   Default Value Default Value
  TotalDiscountAmount**** money      
  TotalLineItemDiscountAmount**** money      
  WillCall bit      
Not migrated          

Table Footnotes

*See StateCode and StatusCode Values.

**Either AccountId or ContactId is required.

***The field is used only in the CDF database; it is not migrated.

****This is a calculated attribute in Microsoft CRM. Because Microsoft CRM calculates the value, data in this attribute is not migrated.

*****Values for all attributes of type datetime must be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format CCYY-MM-DD, where CC is the century (00-99), YY is the year (00-99), MM is the month (01-12), and DD is the day of month (01-31), for example, 2003-09-05. If a time is included, it is migrated as the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time.

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