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cdf_OpportunityProduct Table

Data in the cdf_OpportunityProduct table must meet the migration criteria specified in Data Requirements for Migration. The following table shows all of the attributes in Microsoft CRM that can be migrated from the cdf_OpportunityProduct table and the respective attribute names and types in the CDF database. The table also shows whether the attribute is required and whether it is used to create a relationship with other entities. For drop-down lists and Boolean attributes, the table shows the valid values and the default value in Microsoft CRM. The last rows of the table list the Microsoft CRM OpportunityProduct attributes that cannot be migrated using the Microsoft CRM Data Migration Framework.

Microsoft CRM tab name and attribute label

CDF attribute name

CDF type
Required or Relationship in CDF
Microsoft CRM values
Default Microsoft CRM value
Not on tab OpportunityProductId int (PK) Required    
  OpportunityId int Required, Relationship    
  OpportunityIdName* nvarchar (300)      
General tab          
Product ProductId int Required, Relationship    
  ProductIdName* nvarchar (100)      
Unit UoMId int Relationship    
  UoMIdName* nvarchar (100)      
Price Per Unit PricePerUnit** money      
Quantity Quantity decimal 9(18,5)      
Amount BaseAmount** money      
Not on tab by default Description ntext      
  ExtendedAmount** money      
  IsPriceOverridden bit   0 (False)

1 (True)

  IsProductOverridden bit   0 (False)

1 (True)

  ManualDiscountAmount money      
  PricingErrorCode int (picklist)      
  PricingErrorCodeName* nvarchar(200) picklist      
  ProductDescription nvarchar (500)      
  Tax money      
  VolumeDiscountAmount** money      
Not migrated          

Table Footnotes

*The field is used only in the CDF database; it is not migrated.

**This is a calculated attribute in Microsoft CRM. Because Microsoft CRM calculates the value, data in this attribute is not migrated.

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