Fetch XML Schema

The following is the schema for the fetch XML parameter used in formulating queries against the Microsoft CRM database.

Included in this section:


The following describes the schema in Backus-Naur form (BNF):

FetchXml := 
      (page='page-number')? // default is 0
      (count='items-per-page')? // default is unbounder
      (utc-offset='utc-offset')? // default is 0
      (mapping= ('internal' | 'logical' | 'physical') )? // default is logical
      (aggregate = ('true' | 'false' | '1' | '0') )? // '1' and '0' not currently supported.  default is false
      <entity name='entity-name'>

Entity-Xml :=
   ( <all-attributes /> | <no-attributes /> | Attribute-Xml* )
   ( Filter-Xml | 
     LinkEntity-Xml |
     Order-Xml )*

LinkEntity-Xml :=
      name = 'entity-name'
      (to = 'column-name')?   // the column on the remote entity
      (from = 'column-name')?  // the column on the local entity
      (alias = 'table-alias')?
      (link-type = ('natural' | 'inner' | 'outer'))?

Order-Xml :=
      (descending= ('true' | 'false' | '1' | '0')?

Attribute-Xml := 
      (aggregate=('count') alias='alias-name')?

Filter-Xml :=
      (type= ('or' | 'and'))? // default is 'and'
   ( Condition-Xml | Filter-Xml )*

Condition-Xml :=
   Condition-None |   // For operators like 'not-null', where there is no explicit value
   Condition-Single |  // For operators that take an attribute and a value, 'eq', for example
   Condition-Multiple  // for operators that involve collections -- 'in' or 'not-in' for example

Condition-None := 
   <condition attribute='attribute-name' operator=
      'null' |
      'not-null' |
      'yesterday' |
      'today' |
      'tomorrow' |
      'next-seven-days' |
      'last-seven-days' |
      'next-week' |
      'last-week' |
      'this-week' |
      'this-month' |
      'last-month' |
      'next-month' |
      'this-year' |
      'last-year' |
      'next-year' |
      'eq-userid' |
      'ne-userid' |
      'eq-businessid' |

Condition-Single :=
   <condition attribute='attribute-name' operator=
      'eq' |
      'ne' |
      'lt' | 
      'gt' |
      'le' |
      'ge' |
      'like' |
      'not-like' |
      'on' |
      'on-or-before' |

condition-Multiple :=
   <condition attribute='attribute-name' operator=
      'in' |
      'not-in' |
      'between' |
      'not-between' )
   Value-Xml *

Value-Xml :=


The following describes the schema in XML Schema definition language (XSD) form:

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<Schema name='fetch-schema' xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data' xmlns:dt='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes'>
      condition element - used for capturing entity and link-entity
                     "where" clause criteria
   <ElementType name='value' content='textOnly' model='closed' />
   <ElementType name='condition' content='eltOnly' model='closed'>
      <AttributeType name='attribute' dt:type='string' required='yes' />
      <AttributeType name='operator' dt:type='enumeration' dt:values='lt gt le ge eq ne null not-null in not-in between not-between like not-like yesterday today tomorrow next-seven-days last-seven-days next-week last-week this-month last-month next-month on on-or-before on-or-after this-year last-year next-year eq-userid ne-userid eq-businessid ne-businessid' required='yes' default='eq' />
      <AttributeType name='value' dt:type='string' required='no' />
      <AttributeType name='aggregate' dt:type='enumeration' dt:values='count' required='no' />
      <AttributeType name='alias' dt:type='string' required='no' />
      <!-- -->
      <attribute type='attribute' />
      <attribute type='operator' />
      The attribute "value" is used for all operators that need to compare against a single value (eg. eq).
      The element "value" is used for operators that need to compare against multiple values (eg. in).
      Some operators require neither the attribute "value" or the element "value" (eg. null).
      <attribute type='value' />
      <attribute type='aggregate' />
      <attribute type='alias' />
      <element type='value' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='*' />
      filter element - used for constructing complex conditionals
                   legal one entity and link-entity
   <ElementType name='filter' content='eltOnly' model='closed'>
      <AttributeType name='type' dt:type='enumeration' dt:values='and or' required='no' default='and' />
      <!-- -->
      <attribute type='type' />
      <element type='condition' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='*' />
      <element type='filter' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='*' />
      attribute elements - used for selecting attributes from the
                      surrounding entity / link-entity, these
                      values are returned as part of the fetch
   <ElementType name='all-attributes' content='empty' model='closed' />
   <ElementType name='attribute' content='empty' model='closed'>
      <AttributeType name='name' dt:type='string' required='yes' />
      <!-- -->
      <attribute type='name' />
   order element - used to specify a sort order

   <ElementType name='order' content='eltOnly' model='closed'>
      <AttributeType name='attribute' dt:type='string' required='yes' />
      <AttributeType name='descending' dt:type='boolean' required='no' default='false' />
      <!-- -->
      <attribute type='attribute' />
      <attribute type='descending' />
      link-entity element - used for joining one entity to it's "parent"
   <ElementType name='link-entity' content='eltOnly' model='closed' order='many'>
      <AttributeType name='to' dt:type='string' required='no' />
      <AttributeType name='from' dt:type='string' required='no' />
      <AttributeType name='name' dt:type='string' required='yes' />
   <AttributeType name='alias' dt:type='string' required='no' />
   <AttributeType name='link-type' dt:type='string' dt:values='natural inner outer' required='no' />
      <!-- -->
      <attribute type='name' />
      <attribute type='to' />
   <attribute type='alias' />
   <attribute type='link-type' />
      <element type='all-attributes' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1' />
      <element type='attribute' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='*' />
   <element type='order' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='*' />
      <element type='filter' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1' />
      <element type='link-entity' />
      entity element - used for specifying the root element for a fetch, only
                   one root entity is allowed in a given fetch, all others
                   are dependent on this entity and are marked as
   <ElementType name='entity' content='eltOnly' model='closed' order='many'>
      <AttributeType name='name' dt:type='string' required='yes' />
      <!-- -->
      <attribute type='name' />
      <element type='all-attributes' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1' />
      <element type='attribute' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='*' />
   <element type='order' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='*' />
      <element type='link-entity' />
      <element type='filter' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1' />
      fetch element - root element for the query
   <ElementType name='fetch' content='eltOnly' model='closed'>
      <AttributeType name='count' dt:type='int' required='no' />
   <AttributeType name='page' dt:type='int' required='no' />
   <AttributeType name='utc-offset' dt:type='int' required='no' />
   <AttributeType name='aggregate' dt:type='boolean' required='no' />
   <AttributeType name='mapping' dt:type='enumeration' dt:values='internal logical physical' required='no' />
      <!-- -->
      <attribute type='count' />
   <attribute type='page' />
   <attribute type='utc-offset' />
   <attribute type='aggregate' />
   <attribute type='mapping' />
      <element type='entity' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1' />


The following table provides more information regarding conditions in Fetch XML.

Condition Actual comparison Value
equals x eq x
does not equal x ne x
is greater than x gt x
is greater than or equal to x ge x
is less than x lt x
is less than or equal to x le x
begins with x like x%
does not begin with x not-like x%
ends with x like %x
does not end with x not-like %x
contains x like %x%
does not contain x not-like %x%
exists not-null  
does not exist null  
anytime not-null  
yesterday yesterday  
today today  
tomorrow tomorrow  
in next 7 days next-seven-days  
in last 7 days last-seven-days  
next week next-week  
last week last-week  
this week this-week  
this month this-month  
last month last-month  
next month next-month  
this year this-year  
next year next-year  
last year last-year  
on x on x
on or after x on-or-after x
on or before x on-or-before x
in between between  
not between not-between  
in in  
not in not-in  
equals user id eq-userid  
does not equal user id ne-userid  
equals business id eq-businessid  
does not equal business id ne-businessid  

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