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EntityType.Properties Property

EntityType.Properties Property

The array of entity properties (EntityProperty[] objects) that describe the properties of a specified entity type. For example, a Properties property of the SIC7011 entity type in the NavTech.NA data source is EntityProperty.Name="poi_name", EntityProperty.DisplayName="Business Name", EntityProperty.DataType="string".

Public Properties As EntityProperty()


public System.EntityProperty[] Properties;



[Visual Basic]

'Output the properties available for each 
'NavTech.NA entity type
Dim myEntityTypes() As EntityType
myEntityTypes = commonService.GetEntityTypes("NavTech.NA")

Dim et As EntityType
Dim ep As EntityProperty
For Each et In myEntityTypes
 Console.WriteLine("Available properties for the " _
  + et.DisplayName + " entity type are:")
 For Each ep In et.Properties


//Output the properties available for each 
//NavTech.NA entity type
EntityType[] myEntityTypes;
myEntityTypes = commonService.GetEntityTypes("NavTech.NA");

foreach(EntityType et in myEntityTypes)
 Console.WriteLine("Available properties for the " 
  + et.DisplayName + " entity type are:");
 foreach(EntityProperty ep in et.Properties)

See Also

  EntityType Class   |   EntityProperty Class   |   CommonServiceSoap.GetEntityTypes Method