FindAddressSpecification.InputAddress Property
FindAddressSpecification.InputAddress Property
The address (Address object) to find.
Public InputAddress As Address
public Address InputAddress;
The InputAddress property is used with the specification parameter of the FindServiceSoap.FindAddress method.
The InputAddress property is required, and must be a valid address for the data source identified in the DataSourceName property.
The FindServiceSoap.FindAddress method is valid for only certain countries or regions within the MapPoint.AP, MapPoint.BR, MapPoint.EU, and MapPoint.NA data sources.
[Visual Basic]
'Set up the Address object and the specification object
Dim myAddress As New Address()
myAddress.AddressLine = "1 Microsoft Way"
myAddress.PrimaryCity = "Redmond"
myAddress.Subdivision = "WA"
myAddress.PostalCode = "98052"
myAddress.CountryRegion = "US"
Dim findAddressSpec As New FindAddressSpecification()
findAddressSpec.InputAddress = myAddress
findAddressSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA"
'Declare the return variable and find the address
Dim foundAddressResults As FindResults
foundAddressResults = findService.FindAddress(findAddressSpec)
If (foundAddressResults.NumberFound = 1) Then
Console.WriteLine("Zero or multiple results found.")
End If
//Set up the Address object and the specification object
Address myAddress = new Address();
myAddress.AddressLine = "1 Microsoft Way";
myAddress.PrimaryCity = "Redmond";
myAddress.Subdivision = "WA";
myAddress.PostalCode = "98052";
myAddress.CountryRegion = "US";
FindAddressSpecification findAddressSpec = new FindAddressSpecification();
findAddressSpec.InputAddress = myAddress;
findAddressSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";
//Declare the return variable and find the address
FindResults foundAddressResults;
foundAddressResults = findService.FindAddress(findAddressSpec);
if (foundAddressResults.NumberFound == 1)
Console.WriteLine("Zero or multiple results found.");
See Also
FindAddressSpecification Class | Address Class | FindServiceSoap.FindAddress Method | FindAddressSpecification.DataSourceName Property