FindNearbySpecification.Filter Property
FindNearbySpecification.Filter Property
The filter (FindFilter object) to apply to the results; that is, the specific entity type, properties, and values that the returned results must match.
Public Filter As FindFilter
public FindFilter Filter;
The Filter property is used with the specification parameter of the FindServiceSoap.FindNearby method.
The Filter property is required; otherwise, a SOAP fault is returned.
[Visual Basic]
'Output a property value (the phone number) for each
'MapPoint.FourthCoffeeSample store nearby
Dim findNearbySpec As New FindNearbySpecification()
findNearbySpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.FourthCoffeeSample"
findNearbySpec.Distance = 1
findNearbySpec.LatLong = New LatLong()
findNearbySpec.LatLong.Latitude = 47.6
findNearbySpec.LatLong.Longitude = -122.33
findNearbySpec.Filter = New FindFilter()
findNearbySpec.Filter.EntityTypeName = "FourthCoffeeShops"
Dim foundResults As FindResults
foundResults = findService.FindNearby(findNearbySpec)
Console.WriteLine("Fourth Coffee Shop Store List")
Dim fr As FindResult
For Each fr In foundResults.Results
Console.WriteLine(fr.FoundLocation.Entity.Name + ": " _
+ fr.FoundLocation.Entity.Properties(6).Value.ToString())
//Output a property value (the phone number) for each
//MapPoint.FourthCoffeeSample store nearby
FindNearbySpecification findNearbySpec = new FindNearbySpecification();
findNearbySpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.FourthCoffeeSample";
findNearbySpec.Distance = 1;
findNearbySpec.LatLong = new LatLong();
findNearbySpec.LatLong.Latitude = 47.6;
findNearbySpec.LatLong.Longitude = -122.33;
findNearbySpec.Filter = new FindFilter();
findNearbySpec.Filter.EntityTypeName = "FourthCoffeeShops";
FindResults foundResults;
foundResults = findService.FindNearby(findNearbySpec);
Console.WriteLine("Fourth Coffee Shop Store List");
foreach(FindResult fr in foundResults.Results)
Console.WriteLine(fr.FoundLocation.Entity.Name + ": "
+ fr.FoundLocation.Entity.Properties[6].Value.ToString());
See Also
FindNearbySpecification Class | FindFilter Class | FindServiceSoap.FindNearby Method