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LineDriveMapSpecification.Options Property

LineDriveMapSpecification.Options Property

The map rendering options (LineDriveMapOptions object), including the image format, font size, color palette, icon type, and return type.

Public Options As LineDriveMapOptions

public LineDriveMapOptions Options;


[Visual Basic]

'Create a LineDriveMapSpecification object, 
'set the LineDriveMapOptions, and then call
'the GetLineDriveMap method to generate the map
Dim format As New ImageFormat

format.Height = imgSize
format.Width = imgSize

Dim ldmo As New LineDriveMapOptions
ldmo.Format = format
ldmo.FontSize = MapFontSize.Smallest
ldmo.ReturnType = MapReturnType.ReturnUrl
ldmo.PaletteType = PaletteType.Color

Dim spec As New LineDriveMapSpecification
spec.Route = myRoute
spec.Options = ldmo
Dim mi() As LineDriveMapImage
mi = render.GetLineDriveMap(spec)

'check for multiple maps returned by GetLineDriveMap()
Dim x As Int16
For x = 0 To mi.Length -1
   'add your code here to handle drawing multiple maps
   RenderMap(mi(x).Url, x)


//Create a LineDriveMapSpecification object, 
//set the LineDriveMapOptions, and then call
//the GetLineDriveMap method to generate the map
ImageFormat format = new ImageFormat();

LineDriveMapOptions ldmo = new LineDriveMapOptions();
ldmo.Format = format;
ldmo.FontSize = MapFontSize.Smallest;
ldmo.ReturnType = MapReturnType.ReturnUrl;
ldmo.PaletteType = PaletteType.Color;

LineDriveMapSpecification spec = new LineDriveMapSpecification();
spec.Options = ldmo;
LineDriveMapImage[] mi = render.GetLineDriveMap(spec);

//check for multiple maps returned by GetLineDriveMap()
for (int x=0; x<mi.Length; x++)
 //add your code here to handle drawing multiple maps
     RenderMap(mi[x].Url, x);

See Also

  Using LineDrive Maps   |   RenderServiceSoap.GetLineDriveMap Method