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MapImage.Url Property

MapImage.Url Property

Contains a URL to access the map image, which is cached on a MapPoint Web Service server for a limited time. The URL uses either standard or secure hypertext protocol, depending on the MapOptions.ReturnType property setting.

Public Url As System.String


public System.String Url;


  • The returned URL does not include any information identifiable to a specific map or map request; it is simply a key into the MapPoint Web Service server cache. The URL is UTF-8 encoded.


[Visual Basic]

'Return a URL to the map instead of the whole image
Dim myViews(0) As ViewByHeightWidth
myViews(0) = New ViewByHeightWidth()
myViews(0).CenterPoint = New LatLong()
myViews(0).CenterPoint.Latitude = 40
myViews(0).CenterPoint.Longitude = -120
myViews(0).Height = 200
myViews(0).Width = 300

Dim mapSpec As New MapSpecification()
mapSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA"
mapSpec.Views = myViews
mapSpec.Options = New MapOptions()
mapSpec.Options.ReturnType = MapReturnType.ReturnUrl

Dim mapImages() As MapImage
mapImages = renderService.GetMap(mapSpec)

Image1.ImageUrl = mapImages(0).Url


//Return a URL to the map instead of the whole image
ViewByHeightWidth[] myViews = new ViewByHeightWidth[1];
myViews[0] = new ViewByHeightWidth();
myViews[0].CenterPoint = new LatLong();
myViews[0].CenterPoint.Latitude = 40;
myViews[0].CenterPoint.Longitude = -120;
myViews[0].Height = 200;
myViews[0].Width = 300;

MapSpecification mapSpec  = new MapSpecification();
mapSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";
mapSpec.Views = myViews;
mapSpec.Options = new MapOptions();
mapSpec.Options.ReturnType = MapReturnType.ReturnUrl;

MapImage[] mapImages;
mapImages = renderService.GetMap(mapSpec);

Image1.ImageUrl = mapImages[0].Url;

See Also

  MapImage Class   |   Using MapPoint Web Service in a Web Application   |   MimeData Class   |   RenderServiceSoap.GetMap Method   |   MapReturnType Enumeration