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Waypoint.Name Property

Waypoint.Name Property

The user-defined name associated with the waypoint, used in the Depart and Arrive instructions in the Direction.Instruction and Direction.FormattedInstruction properties. String character limit is 256.

Public Name As System.String


public System.String Name;


  • The Name property can be an empty string; however, the resulting instructions will include an empty space, as in the following example:

    "Depart on 4th Ave"

  • The following characters cannot be used in the Name property and are removed without generating an error: & ' < > "


[Visual Basic]

'Route between two locations
Dim startLocation As New Location()
Dim endLocation As New Location()
startLocation.LatLong = New LatLong()
endLocation.LatLong = New LatLong()
startLocation.LatLong.Latitude = 40
startLocation.LatLong.Longitude = -120
endLocation.LatLong.Latitude = 41
endLocation.LatLong.Longitude = -121

Dim routeSegmentsSpec(1) As SegmentSpecification
routeSegmentsSpec(0) = New SegmentSpecification()
routeSegmentsSpec(0).Waypoint = New Waypoint()
routeSegmentsSpec(0).Waypoint.Name = "Start"
routeSegmentsSpec(0).Waypoint.Location = startLocation
routeSegmentsSpec(1) = New SegmentSpecification()
routeSegmentsSpec(1).Waypoint = New Waypoint()
routeSegmentsSpec(1).Waypoint.Name = "End"
routeSegmentsSpec(1).Waypoint.Location = endLocation

Dim routeSpec As New RouteSpecification()
routeSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA"
routeSpec.Segments = routeSegmentsSpec

Dim myRoute As Route
myRoute = routeService.CalculateRoute(routeSpec)


//Route between two locations
Location startLocation = new Location();
Location endLocation = new Location();
startLocation.LatLong = new LatLong();
endLocation.LatLong = new LatLong();
startLocation.LatLong.Latitude = 40;
startLocation.LatLong.Longitude = -120;
endLocation.LatLong.Latitude = 41;
endLocation.LatLong.Longitude = -121;

SegmentSpecification[] routeSegmentsSpec = new SegmentSpecification[2];
routeSegmentsSpec[0] = new SegmentSpecification();
routeSegmentsSpec[0].Waypoint = new Waypoint();
routeSegmentsSpec[0].Waypoint.Name = "Start";
routeSegmentsSpec[0].Waypoint.Location = startLocation;
routeSegmentsSpec[1] = new SegmentSpecification();
routeSegmentsSpec[1].Waypoint = new Waypoint();
routeSegmentsSpec[1].Waypoint.Name = "End";
routeSegmentsSpec[1].Waypoint.Location = endLocation;

RouteSpecification routeSpec = new RouteSpecification();
routeSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";
routeSpec.Segments = routeSegmentsSpec;
Route myRoute;
myRoute = routeService.CalculateRoute(routeSpec);

See Also

  Waypoint Class   |   Direction.Instruction Property   |   Direction.FormattedInstruction Property