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MapPoint Web Service Match Code Values

MapPoint Web Service Match Code Values

The following table shows the valid Match Code values.

Note: If you download a data source after correcting matches manually, the match code for those entities is Disambiguated or 4 and the matched method is Manual or 6.






The geocoder found a single match.



The geocoder was unable to return a result.



The geocoder was unable to match all of the information and had to geocode up the hierarchy to find a less precise result. For example, the geocoder returns a match code of Imprecise if it cannot match the address fields for the entity and returns a match at the postal code level.



The geocoder returned more than one possible match. For example, the street address for the entity is 128 Main St. and the geocoder returns matches for 128 North Main St. and 128 South Main St. because there is no way to determine which is desired. By default, to the geocoder accepts the first match in the list and stores the associated latitude and longitude coordinates. If you do not want the upload process to accept the first result, select the Reject ambiguous matches check box on the Create a Data Source page or the Replace a Data Source page. If you select this check box, no results are accepted and you can use the Edit Entity ID page to choose the correct match manually.



The match returned by the geocoder has been manually set by the user in the Edit Entity ID page. The Matched Method code is 6 (Manual).