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MapPointConstants Class

MapPointConstants Class

Contains the MapPoint Web Service constants.

Public Class MapPointConstants Inherits System.Object


public class MapPointConstants : System.Object

Public Properties

Name Description
public propertyAssumedDpi

The assumed resolution of pixels per inch in a rendered map image (96).

public propertyDegreesPerRadian

The factor that is used to convert radians to degrees (57.295779513082323).

public propertyEarthRadiusInKilometers

The radius of the Earth in kilometers (6378.2).

public propertyFeetPerKilometer

The factor that is used to convert kilometers to feet (3280.8398950131232).

public propertyFeetPerMeter

The factor that is used to convert meters to feet (3.280839895013123).

public propertyFindScoreThreshold

The lowest score that is considered good for a found result (0.85).

public propertyKilometersPerFoot

The factor that is used to convert feet to kilometers (0.0003048). This value is exact.

public propertyKilometersPerMile

The factor that is used to convert miles to kilometers (1.609344). This value is exact.

public propertyMetersPerFoot

The factor that is used to convert feet to meters (0.3048). This value is exact.

public propertyMilesPerKilometer

The factor that is used to convert kilometers to miles (0.621371192237334).

public propertyPi

The value of π (pi) that is used in MapPoint Web Service (3.1415926535897931).

public propertyRadiansPerDegree

The factor that is used to convert degrees to radians (0.017453292519943295).


  • The values for KilometersPerFoot, KilometersPerMile, and MetersPerFoot are exact.