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Segment Class

Segment Class

Contains the calculated itinerary for one segment of a route; that is, from one waypoint up to, but not including, the subsequent waypoint. Includes the waypoint, array of directions, map views, and summary information (such as trip time, driving time, and distance).

Public Class Segment Inherits System.Object


public class Segment : System.Object

Public Properties

Name Description
public propertyDirections

The array of instructions (Direction[] objects) that make up the itinerary for the specified route segment.

public propertyDistance

The distance of the specified route segment, in distance units (DistanceUnit enumeration) as specified in the UserInfoRouteHeader.DefaultDistanceUnit property.

public propertyDrivingTime

The total driving time for a route segment in seconds.

public propertyTripTime

The total amount of travel time for a route segment in seconds.

public propertyView

The map view representations (MapViewRepresentations object) for the route segment. Contains the view by bounding rectangle coordinates, and the view by latitude and longitude coordinates of the center point, height, and width.

public propertyWaypoint

The waypoint (Waypoint object) for the route segment; that is, the beginning of the segment.


See Also

  Direction Class   |   Waypoint Class   |   RouteItinerary.Segments Property   |   Route.Itinerary Property   |   RouteServiceSoap Class