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Microsoft.Practices.CompositeUI Namespace


  Class Description
Public class CabApplication Defines the CabApplication as an application having a well known lifecycle and a root WorkItem instance providing the scope for the application.
Public class CabShellApplication Extends CabApplication to support applications with a shell.
Public class CabVisualizer Base class for the CAB visualizer system.
Public class ComponentDependencyAttribute Indicates that the property or constructor/method parameter is a reference to a component that lives in the parent WorkItems Items collection.
Public class Controller A base class for controllers and presenters that provides access to the WorkItem and State.
Public class CyclicDependencyFoundException Represents the exception that is thrown when there is a circular dependency between modules during the module loading process.
Public class DictionaryEventArgs Provides data for an event that requires a dictionary of information.
Public class LockBase Base class for ReaderWriterLock helper classes ReaderLock and WriterLock.
Public class ModuleAttribute Indicates that the assembly should be considered a named module using the provided name.
Public class ModuleDependencyAttribute Indicates that this assembly has a dependency on another named module. The other named module will be loaded before this module. Can be used multiple times to indicate multiple dependencies.
Public class ModuleInit A default implementation of the IModule interface.
Public class OptionalDependencyAttribute Base class for dependency attributes that can be made optional.
Public class ReaderLock Helper class that makes it easier to ensure proper usage of a ReaderWriterLock for readers by providing support for IDisposable and the using keyword.
Public class RootWorkItemExtensionAttribute Indicates that a class extends root WorkItem classes. The class must implement IWorkItemExtension.
Public class ServiceAttribute Indicates that a class should be automatically registered as a service into the application's root WorkItem.
Public class ServiceDependencyAttribute Indicates that property or parameter is a dependency on a service and should be dependency injected when the class is put into a WorkItem.
Public class SimpleWorkItemActivationService An implementation of IWorkItemActivationService that ensures that only one WorkItem is active at one time.
Public class State Provides a dictionary of information which provides notification when items change in the collection. It is serialized with the WorkItem when the WorkItem is saved and loaded.
Public class StateAttribute Indicates that a property or parameter should be injected with a value from the State of the WorkItem.
Public class StateChangedAttribute Indicates a method that will handle state changed events.
Public class StateChangedEventArgs Provides data for a StateChanged event.
Public class StateElement Provides a dictionary of information which provides notification when items change in the collection.
Public class StateException An Exception thrown by StateElement
Public class TraceSourceAttribute Indicates that a property or parameter will be dependency injected with a TraceSource.
Public class TraceSourceCatalogService Service that manages the TraceSource objects used in the application.
Public class UIExtensionSite Represents an extension site for UI elements.
Public class UIExtensionSiteCollection Represents a named collection of sites for UI elements.
Public class WorkItem Defines the work item into which smart parts run.
Public class WorkItemExtension Base implementation with virtual methods for handling the WorkItem events.
Public class WorkItemExtensionAttribute Indicates that a class extends WorkItem classes. The class must implement IWorkItemExtension.
Public class WriterLock Helper class that makes it easier to ensure proper usage of a ReaderWriterLock for writers by providing support for IDisposable and the using keyword.


  Interface Description
Public interface IChangeNotification Defines an event that is implemented by classes which offer notifications of data changes.
Public interface IConfigurable Defines a method implemented by classes that can receive configuration through name/value pairs in the settings file.
Public interface IModule Defines a set of methods to be implemented by modules deployed in the application.
Public interface ITraceSourceCatalogService Defines a set of methods and an event which represent a trace source catalog service. The purpose of the service is to manage TraceSource instances that are used in the application.
Public interface IVisualizer The interface to be implemented by a visualizer in CAB.
Public interface IWorkItemActivationService Provides functionality for monitoring WorkItem activation.
Public interface IWorkItemExtension Represents an extension that can monitor and act upon events in the lifecycle of a WorkItem.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration WorkItemStatus The status of the WorkItem.