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Microsoft.Practices.CompositeUI.Services Namespace


  Class Description
Public class DataProtectionCryptographyService Provides Cryptography services using the Data Protection API.
Public class FileCatalogModuleEnumerator This implementation of IModuleEnumerator processes the assemblies specified in a solution profile.
Public class FileStatePersistenceService Implements simple file based IStatePersistenceService that stores the state in binary files using the BinaryFormatter serializer.
Public class IsolatedStorageStatePersistenceService Service that uses isolated storage for state persistence.
Public class LoadedModuleInfo Represents the information about a loaded module
Public class ModuleDependencySolver Used by the ModuleLoaderService to get the load sequence for the modules to load according to their dependencies.
Public class ModuleEnumeratorException An exception thrown by the IModuleEnumerator implementations.
Public class ModuleLoaderService Service to load modules into the application.
Public class ModuleLoadException Exception thrown by IModuleLoaderService implementations whenever a module fails to load.
Public class ReflectionModuleEnumerator This implementation of IModuleEnumerator processes the assemblies located in a specified folder and enumerates the modules locating them using reflection.
Public class ServiceMissingException Exception thrown when a required service doesn't exist in the component container.
Public class StatePersistenceException Exception thrown by IStatePersistenceService implementations whenever a module fails to load.
Public class StreamStatePersistenceService Implements simple file based IStatePersistenceService that stores State data in binary files using the BinaryFormatter serializer.
Public class WindowsPrincipalAuthenticationService Implementation of IAuthenticationService that sets the current WindowsPrincipal as the principal policy.
Public class WorkItemExtensionService Default implementation of the IWorkItemExtensionService.
Public class WorkItemTypeCatalogService Keeps a catlog of WorkItems that are registered at module initialization time.


  Interface Description
Public interface IAuthenticationService Service that performs the authentication of the current user.
Public interface ICryptographyService Service that exposes cryptography methods to encrypt and decrypt data.
Public interface IModuleEnumerator Defines a class that can process module information to enumerate a list of modules.
Public interface IModuleLoaderService Service that performs module loading.
Public interface IStatePersistenceService Service that stores and retrieves the State data to and from a persistence storage.
Public interface IWorkItemExtensionService Service that manages the IWorkItemExtensions registration.
Public interface IWorkItemTypeCatalogService The implemented service should register WorkItem types and create WorkItems.