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customeraddress Class

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Represents the address and shipping information for a customer. This entity is used to store additional addresses for an account.

The customeraddress class inherits from BusinessEntity.

Public Methods

For a list of methods and messages that operate on this class, see Customer Address.

Constructor Description
customeraddress Initializes a new instance of the customeraddress class.

Public Fields

Field Description
addressnumber Specifies which customer address table is applicable.
addresstypecode Specifies the type of address for the customer, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.
city Specifies the city name in the customer address.
country Specifies the country/region name in the customer address.
county Specifies the county name in the customer address.
createdby Specifies the ID of the user who created the customer address.
createdon Specifies the date and time when the customer address was created.
customeraddressid Specifies the ID of the customer address.
fax Specifies the fax number for the customer address.
freighttermscode Specifies the freight terms for the customer address.
latitude Specifies the latitude for the customer address.
line1 Indicates the first line for entering address information.
line2 Indicates the second line for entering address information.
line3 Indicates the third line for entering address information.
longitude Specifies the longitude for the customer address.
modifiedby Specifies the ID of the user who last modified the customer address.
modifiedon Specifies the date and time when the customer address was last modified.
name Specifies the name used to identify the customer address.
objecttypecode Specifies the type of entity with which the customer address is associated.
owningbusinessunit Specifies the ID of the business unit that owns the customer address.
owninguser Specifies the ID of the user who owns the customer address.
parentid Specifies the ID of the parent object with which the customer address is associated.
postalcode Specifies the ZIP Code or postal code in the customer address.
postofficebox Specifies the post office box number in the customer address.
primarycontactname Specifies the name of the primary contact at the customer address.
shippingmethodcode Specifies the method of shipment for the customer address.
stateorprovince Specifies the state or province in the customer address.
telephone1 Indicates the first telephone number for the customer address.
telephone2 Indicates the second telephone number for the customer address.
telephone3 Indicates the third telephone number for the customer address.
upszone Specifies the United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the address of the customer.
utcoffset Specifies the UTC offset for the address. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.


For more information about entities and attributes, see the Metadata Browser and the Customization area of the Web application. To view this information in the Customization area, in the Navigation Pane, click Settings, click Customization, and then click Customize Entities.

See Also

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