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Function Returning the HTTP URL of a File in the Store

The following example describes a Sendmail with a link to a file procedure, which sends an e-mail message containing a link to an HTTP URL of the message in the store.

Example Script

set oMapper = CreateObject("Exoledb.UrlMapper.1")

Dim fileURL
Dim filePath
Dim httpURL
Dim iPos
Dim iPathLength
Dim serverName
Dim path
Dim address

fileURL = WorkflowSession.Fields("DAV:href").Value
filePath = oMapper.ExoledbFileUrlToFilePath(fileURL)
httpURL = oMapper.FilePathToHttpUrls(filePath)

iPathLength = Len(httpURL(0))  ' get full length of http url

'extract the server name out of the the full domain
iPos = InStr(httpURL(0), ".") - 1
serverName = Left(httpURL(0), iPos)

'parse out the domain information
iPos = InStr(8, httpURL(0), "/") - 1 
iPathLength = iPathLength - iPos
path = Right(httpURL(0), iPathLength)

'recreate the http url withouth the domain information
address = serverName & path

See Also

Scripting in the Workflow Designer for Exchange Server | Script Examples for Exchange Server | Creating Script Procedures