Implementing Your Component
The first step in building a component is developing an appropriate design. Designing Components outlines the component design process. Once you have a plan for developing your component, you will need to implement this plan using an appropriate development environment. You can implement your component using any development environment that is suitable for creating COM components. There are, however, some variations in how different environments approach this procedure. This section distinguishes between the requirements for implementing with script components, Visual Basic, Visual J++, or Visual C++. In addition, it describes implementation issues relating to security and type libraries.
This section contains:
- Accessing ASP Built-In Objects from Components: The general process for accessing a built-in object from a component.
- Implementing with Script Components: Capturing business logic in a scriptlet.
- Implementing with Visual Basic: Capturing business logic in a COM component built with Visual Basic.
- Implementing with Visual J++: Capturing business logic in a COM component built with the Java Component Framework.
- Implementing with Visual C++: Capturing business logic in a COM component built with Visual C++.
- Type Libraries: Type libraries and why your component should deliver one.
- Component Security Context: How your component can manipulate the security context.
- Debugging Components: How to debug your component.
You should implement your server component as a DLL (in-process) server. A component implemented as a DLL runs in the same process as the Web application that contains the ASP script that creates the component instance. Running a component in-process with applications provides superior performance to out-of-process servers.
If you implement your component as an out-of-process server (an executable file), there are several issues that you should consider. These issues are discussed in Isolating Applications for Debugging.
Related Topics
- For information on implementation, see Additional Resources on Creating Components.