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Undo Checkout of Files from SourceSafe Dialog Box (VBA Source Control Add-In)

Cancels a Check Out command so you no longer have the object checked out. If you have made any changes since you checked out the object, those changes are not checked into Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe™. Instead of updating Visual SourceSafe with your edited copy, Undo Check Out retains the version Visual SourceSafe previously had and copies it over the file on your workstation.

You can use the Undo Check Out command only on files that you currently have checked out, not on files checked out by other users.

Note   Your Visual SourceSafe administrator can undo the check out of another user.

  • File Type
    Specifies the file type that displays in the Files to undo check out of list box. The listed files will be affected by the command. All lists all the files in the current project.
  • Files to undo check out of list box
    Lists the files that will be affected by the command. The Undo Check Out command applies only to files that are selected in this list box.
  • Deselect
    Clears the check box beside the file name. This indicates the file will remain checked out and nullifies the Undo Check Out command for this file.
  • Select All
    Selects the check box beside all of the file names. This indicates the Undo Check Out command will apply to all of the files.
  • Deselect All
    Clears the check box beside all of the file names. This indicates all of the files will remain checked out and nullifies the Undo Check Out command for all files.

See Also

VBA Source Control Add-In | Add Files to SourceSafe Dialog Box (VBA Source Control Add-In) | Add to SourceSafe Project Dialog Box | Check In Objects to SourceSafe Dialog Box | Check Out Files from SourceSafe Dialog Box (VBA Source Control Add-In) | Get Object from SourceSafe Dialog Box | History Details Dialog Box | VBA Project Properties Window (VBA Source Control Add-In) | Differences Dialog Box (VBA Source Control Add-In) | History of <File> Dialog Box | Source Code Control Results Dialog Box | Visual SourceSafe Login Dialog Box