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DisableSocketPooling specifies whether socket pooling is used for sites distinguished by IP address, rather than port number or host header name, for example. If DisableSocketPooling is set to false,socket pooling is enabled and sockets are shared between sites that use the same port number (but different IP addresses). If DisableSocketPooling is set to true,there is no socket sharing for sites based on IP address.

note Note Socket pooling was first introduced in IIS 5.0.

In IIS version 4.0, each Web site was bound to a different IP address, which meant that each site had its own socket that was not shared with sites bound to other IP addresses. These sockets are created when the site starts, and they consume significant nonpaged memory (RAM). This memory consumption limits the number of sites bound to IP addresses that can be created on a single machine.

By default, socket pooling is enabled. In general, this behavior should not be modified. If changed, the change should be made at the site level only so that other sites can continue to take advantage of the socket pooling feature.

Attribute Name Attribute Value
XML Data Type Boolean
WMI Data Type
ADSI Data Type Boolean
ABO Data Type Boolean
ABO Metabase identifier
Attributes INHERIT
Default Value true
StartingNumber Not applicable
EndingNumber 0
ID 1029

Configurable Locations

You can configure this property at the following locations in the IIS metabase.

Metabase Path IIS Admin Object Type
/LM/W3SVC/n IIsWebServer
/LM/W3SVC IIsWebService
/LM/SMTPSVC IIsSmtpService
/LM/SMTPSVC/n IIsSmtpServer

Code Example

For general code examples, please see Code Examples to Configure Metabase Properties