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AspThreadGateEnabled indicates whether IIS thread gating is enabled.

important Important IIS performs thread gating to dynamically control the number of concurrently running threads in response to varying load conditions. The default settings for this property, and the other thread gating properties, are designed to be appropriate for the majority of server configurations and traffic conditions. Changing these properties can lead to significant performance degradation.

Setting this property at the IIsWebService levelapplies to all in-process and pooled out-of-process application keys, at all levels. Metabase settings at the IIsWebServer level or lower will be ignored for in-process and pooled out-of-process applications. However, settings at the IIsWebServer level or lower will be used if thatkey is an isolated out-of-process application.

Attribute Name Attribute Value
XML Data Type Boolean
WMI Data Type
ADSI Data Type Boolean
ABO Data Type Boolean
ABO Metabase identifier
Attributes INHERIT
Default Value true
User Type iis_md_ut_wam
StartingNumber Not applicable
EndingNumber 0
ID 7030

Configurable Locations

You can configure this property at the following locations in the IIS metabase.

Code Example

For general code examples, please see Code Examples to Configure Metabase Properties