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IIsComputer (ADSI)

You can use the IIsComputer object to set values of global metabase properties that determine how IIS operates. The IIsComputer object also provides methods to manage metabase backups. You can use these methods to store multiple backup versions in long-term storage, to restore the metabase from a backup version of your choice, and to enumerate and delete backups.

The IIsComputer object is an ADSI container object.



where MachineName can be any name or LocalHost.


varReturn**=object.** Method

  • varReturn
    A variable that receives the return value from the method.
  • object
    A variable that contains the IIsComputer object, usually as a result of a previous GetObject operation.
  • Method
    The object method chosen.
Can Contain
IIsFtpService (ADSI) IIsMimeMap (ADSI)
IIsLogModules (ADSI) IIsWebService (ADSI)
Windows ADSI Object Properties Standard properties for ADSI objects.
Metabase Properties
MaxBandwidth MimeMap
IIsComputer.Backup (ADSI) Saves the metabase to long-term storage.
IIsComputer.BackupWithPassword (ADSI) Saves the metabase to long-term storage with an optionally supplied password.
IIsComputer.DeleteBackup (ADSI) Deletes a metabase backup from long-term storage.
IIsComputer.EnumBackups (ADSI) Enumerates metabase backups in long-term storage.
IIsComputer.Restore (ADSI) Restores a metabase backup from long-term storage.
IIsComputer.RestoreWithPassword (ADSI) Restores a metabase backup using the same optionally supplied password given when the BackupWithPassword method was used.
Windows ADSI Object Methods Standard methods for ADSI objects.
Windows ADSI Container Object Methods Standard methods for ADSI container objects.